arn package

exception arn.InvalidArnException(arn: str)

Bases: Exception

Raised when the value cannot be parsed as a valid ARN.

exception arn.InvalidArnRestException(rest: str, class_name: str)

Bases: Exception

Raised when the value can be parsed as a valid ARN but the rest cannot.

exception arn.ConflictingFieldNamesException(field_names: Set[str])

Bases: Exception

A subclass tried to use reserved field names.

The partition, service, region, and account names are reserved and cannot be used as attributes.

class arn.Arn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '')

Bases: object

The base class that represents an AWS ARN.

This class is meant to be used as a superclass for more specific ARN classes. Instantiating this class with a valid ARN will parse out the common fields (partition, service, region, and account), and will place the rest of the ARN string in the rest field.

REST_PATTERN: ClassVar[Union[str, Pattern]] = re.compile('(?P<rest>.*)')

The pattern that parses the “rest” of the ARN. The “rest” of and ARN is the part that is specific to the AWS service that the ARN represents. When overriding in a subclass, this value can be either an re.Pattern or an str.

input_arn: Any

The instance that was parsed, unchanged.

partition: str = ''

The partition of the AWS of the resource.

service: str = ''

The AWS service of the resource.

region: str = ''

The AWS region in which the resource is located.

account: str = ''

The AWS account ID of the resource.

rest: str = ''

The rest of the ARN, as matched by REST_PATTERN.

match_rest(rest: str) → Optional[Match]

Convert the rest of the ARN into an re.Match.

By default, matches the rest of the ARN against REST_PATTERN. Override this metod to match against a pattern dynamically. For an example, see arn.ecs.ServiceArn.match_rest().

assign_rest(match: Match)

Assign an re.Match’s groups to fields on self.

By default, assigns all named groups in REST_PATTERN as strings. Override this method to cast group matches to a more appropriate type. For an example, see arn.ecs.TaskDefinitionArn.assign_rest().

format_rest() → str

Produce a formatted representation of the rest of the ARN.

This method is essentially the reverse of match_rest() and assign_rest(). By default returns rest. Override this method to allow users to override specific fields and get a str(...) representation that includes the override.


arn.ecs module


class arn.ecs.NewOldEcsArnMixin

Bases: object

match_rest(rest: str) → Match

Overridden to handle both ARN formats.

Tries to match a new-style ARN with cluster name and falls back to matching the ARN without the cluster name.

class arn.ecs.ClusterArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', name: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for an ECS Cluster.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('cluster/(?P<name>.+)')
name: str = ''
class arn.ecs.ContainerInstanceArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', cluster: str = '', id: str = '')

Bases: arn.ecs.NewOldEcsArnMixin, arn.Arn

ARN for an ECS Container Instance.

REST_PATTERN_WITHOUT_CLUSTER = re.compile('container-instance/(?P<id>.+)')
REST_PATTERN_WITH_CLUSTER = re.compile('container-instance/(?P<cluster>.*)/(?P<id>.+)')
cluster: str = ''
id: str = ''

Overridden to handle both ARN formats.

If the ARN was originally parsed with the cluster name, it will be added to the formatted rest.

class arn.ecs.ServiceArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', cluster: str = '', service_name: str = '')

Bases: arn.ecs.NewOldEcsArnMixin, arn.Arn

ARN for an ECS Service.

REST_PATTERN_WITHOUT_CLUSTER = re.compile('service/(?P<service_name>.*)')
REST_PATTERN_WITH_CLUSTER = re.compile('service/(?P<cluster>.*)/(?P<service_name>.*)')
cluster: str = ''
service_name: str = ''

Overridden to handle both ARN formats.

If the ARN was originally parsed with the cluster name, it will be added to the formatted rest.

class arn.ecs.TaskArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', cluster: str = '', id: str = '')

Bases: arn.ecs.NewOldEcsArnMixin, arn.Arn

ARN for an ECS Task.

REST_PATTERN_WITHOUT_CLUSTER = re.compile('task/(?P<id>.+)')
REST_PATTERN_WITH_CLUSTER = re.compile('task/(?P<cluster>.*)/(?P<id>.+)')
cluster: str = ''
id: str = ''

Overridden to handle both ARN formats.

If the ARN was originally parsed with the cluster name, it will be added to the formatted rest.

class arn.ecs.TaskDefinitionArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', family: str = '', version: int = 0)

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for an ECS Task Definition.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('task-definition/(?P<family>.+):(?P<version>\\d+)')
family: str = ''
version: int = 0
assign_rest(match: Match)

Assign an re.Match’s groups to fields on self.

By default, assigns all named groups in REST_PATTERN as strings. Override this method to cast group matches to a more appropriate type. For an example, see arn.ecs.TaskDefinitionArn.assign_rest().

class arn.ecs.CapacityProviderArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', name: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for an ECS Capacity Provider.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('capacity-provider/(?P<name>.+)')
name: str = ''
class arn.ecs.TaskSetArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', cluster_name: str = '', service_name: str = '', id: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for an ECS TaskSet.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('task-set/(?P<cluster_name>.+)/(?P<service_name>.+)/(?P<id>.+)')
cluster_name: str = ''
service_name: str = ''
id: str = ''

arn.elbv2 module

ARNs for AWS ELBv2.

class arn.elbv2.LoadBalancer(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', type: str = '', name: str = '', id: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for an ALB and NLB.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('loadbalancer/(?P<type>app|net)/(?P<name>.*)/(?P<id>.*)')
type: str = ''

The type of load balancer, app for Application, net for Network.

name: str = ''
id: str = ''
class arn.elbv2.LoadBalancerListener(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', load_balancer_type: str = '', load_balancer_name: str = '', load_balancer_id: str = '', listener_id: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for ALB and NLB listeners.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('listener/(?P<load_balancer_type>app|net)/(?P<load_balancer_name>.*)/(?P<load_balancer_id>.*)/(?P<listener_id>.*)')
load_balancer_type: str = ''

The type of load balancer, app for Application, net for Network.

load_balancer_name: str = ''
load_balancer_id: str = ''
listener_id: str = ''
class arn.elbv2.LoadBalancerListenerRule(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', load_balancer_type: str = '', load_balancer_name: str = '', load_balancer_id: str = '', listener_id: str = '', listener_rule_id: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for ALB and NLB listener rules.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('listener-rule/(?P<load_balancer_type>app|net)/(?P<load_balancer_name>.*)/(?P<load_balancer_id>.*)/(?P<listener_id>.*)/(?P<listener_rule_id>.*)')
load_balancer_type: str = ''

The type of load balancer, app for Application, net for Network.

load_balancer_name: str = ''
load_balancer_id: str = ''
listener_id: str = ''
listener_rule_id: str = ''
class arn.elbv2.TargetGroupArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', name: str = '', id: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for a Target Group.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('targetgroup/(?P<name>.*)/(?P<id>.*)')
name: str = ''
id: str = ''

arn.iam module

ARNs for AWS IAM and AWS STS <>_.

These two services are tightly coupled, and some ARNs exist in both or have inconsistent documentation (for example, the IAM docs show assumed-role with iam as the service, but the AWS API reference has sts as the service).

class arn.iam.RoleArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', name: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for an IAM Role.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('role/(?P<name>.*)')
name: str = ''
class arn.iam.AssumedRoleArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '', role_name: str = '', role_session_name: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for an IAM/STS Assumed Role.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('assumed-role/(?P<role_name>.*)/(?P<role_session_name>.*)')
role_name: str = ''
role_session_name: str = ''

arn.s3 module

ARNs for AWS S3.

class arn.s3.AccessPointArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for an S3 Access Point.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('accesspoint/(?P<name>.*)')
name: str = ''
class arn.s3.BucketArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for an S3 Bucket.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('(?P<name>.*)')
name: str = ''
class arn.s3.ObjectArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for an S3 Object.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('(?P<bucket_name>.*)/(?P<object_name>.*)')
bucket_name: str = ''
object_name: str = ''
class arn.s3.JobArn(input_arn: Any, partition: str = '', service: str = '', region: str = '', account: str = '')

Bases: arn.Arn

ARN for an S3 Batch Job.

REST_PATTERN = re.compile('job/(?P<id>.*)')
id: str = ''